Forced by the situation (details below), I had to upgrade my phone and my choice this time was iPhone 15 Pro.
As a short recent history, I have used so far: iphone 3g, iPhone 4s, iPhone 5s, iPhone Xs.
But in my family, and also with my job, I had the chance to test and use also: iPhone 6s, iPhone SE, iPhone 12 mini.
Check out my channel for other interesting videos.
If you upgrade yearly, you may not be very impressed (maybe about USB-C... will discuss it later) but because I am coming from iPhone Xs and there is a 5 years gap between, I have seen and learned many interesting things.
I believe I have covered everything important in this video but I failed to introduce one important question that most probably is on everybody's mind: Worth upgrading?
Well, it depends of what you have at this moment.
For example, switching from 14 pro to 15 pro will give you 19 grams less :)
Hold on to your iPhone 14 Pro because you will not get much more from this upgrade, unless you really need ray tracing (which I haven't seen much yet on tested games) and high speed USB-C (that is if you go with Pro because non-pro do not have 10gbps).
From older versions it really depends of what you want to do with the phone. I currently use Xs and I am very satisfied with it! I would not upgrade but I broke mine: face id is KO and have some issues with the display. But a perfectly working Xs is very good even today.
This video is categorised into useful chapters which can be accessed directly in the video's timeline but also you can find their links below. Also, at the end of the description you can find some useful links.
Enjoy and do not hesitate to contact me if needed.
00:00 - Introduction
00:19 - The Capacity
00:34 - The Price
01:16 - What's in the Box?
01:31 - The USB-C Port and Accessories
03:16 - Choosing the Right Cable for 10gbps Speed
03:46 - How to Record ProRes on External Device
05:34 - Playing ProRes on a Mac
06:21 - FIY: stay away from enclosures with JMS583 chipset.
07:18 - USB-C Screen Mirroring: Quick and Fast Example
08:25 - The Colour: Natural Titanium
08:52 - Box Content (continuation)
09:20 - How to Set it up as a New Phone
10:07 - Warning: Higher USB-C Speeds Only With 15 Pro Models!
11:16 - Resuming How to Set it up as a New Phone
11:56 - The Action Button
12:20 - The Dinamic Island
13:20 - The Battery: Charging Another Device
14:07 - The Battery: 80% Limit
14:53 - All Day Battery. HAHA!
15:51 - File Transfer Between iPhones on iOS 17
16:04 - Haptic Touch vs. 3D Touch (coming from Xs, understandable)
16:52 - The Camera
20:32 - Cinematic Mode and Not Only
23:55 - I HAVE DROPPED MY PHONE! Unplanned and Unintentional Drop Test
24:45 - Wiiuka Leather Case
25:26 - The END!
Links used in this video and other important ones:
- About Apple ProRes on iPhone: https://support.apple.com/en-us/109041
- Charge and connect with the USB-C connector on your iPhone 15: https://support.apple.com/en-us/105099
- About Optimized Battery Charging on your iPhone: https://support.apple.com/en-us/108055
- iPhone 15 Teardown Reveals Software Lockdown: https://www.ifixit.com/News/82867/iphone-15-teardown-reveals-software-lockdown
- iPhone 15 Pro specs: https://www.apple.com/iphone-15-pro/specs/
My phone is your phone so please let me know if you need something tested on it. Except for smashing, scratching, poking, anything that may physically and/or psychologically (software) destroy it :)
#iphone15pro #iphone #iphonegaming #prores #iphonexs #ultrawide