# lsattr -El hdisk5 -a connwhere_shad connwhere_shad 0008BC50D77D00B SSA Connection Location False
On the other machine, where this disk is allowed to be accessed, you can find it like this:
# lsdev -Cc disk -F name’ ‘connwhere|grep 0008BC50D77D00B hdisk7 0008BC50D77D00B
# fget_config -vA —dar0— User array name = ‘fastt1′ dac0 ACTIVE dac1 ACTIVE Disk DAC LUN Logical Drive hdisk2 dac1 2 a00_02 hdisk3 dac0 3 a00_03 hdisk4 dac1 4 a00_04 —dar1— User array name = ‘fastt2′ dac2 ACTIVE dac3 ACTIVE Disk DAC LUN Logical Drive hdisk5 dac2 5 a00_55 hdisk7 dac3 9 a01_01 hdisk10 dac2 12 a01_04
on the other system:
# fget_config -vA | egrep “array name|a00_55″ User array name = ‘fastt2′ hdisk3 dac0 5 a00_55 User array name = ‘fastt3′ hdisk7 dac2 7 a00_55
EMC using Powerpath
# powermt display dev=hdiskpower5 Pseudo name=hdiskpower5 Symmetrix ID=000458009603 Logical device ID=60060160B0701000D474ACB0D902DB11 [LUN 126] state=alive; policy=CLAROpt; priority=0; queued-IOs=0 Owner: default=SP B, current=SP B ============================================================================== —————- Host ————— – Stor – — I/O Path – — Stats — ### HW Path I/O Paths Interf. Mode State Q-IOs Errors ============================================================================== 0 fscsi0 hdisk25 SP B0 active alive 0 0 0 fscsi0 hdisk42 SP A1 active alive 0 0 1 fscsi1 hdisk59 SP A0 active alive 0 0 1 fscsi1 hdisk76 SP B1 active alive 0 0
Once the LUN ID of the disk is known, the following command will show the disk label on any other system which is allowed to access the disk.
# powermt display dev=all | grep -p 0160B0701000D474ACB0D902DB11 Pseudo name=hdiskpower7 Symmetrix ID=000458009603 Logical device ID=60060160B0701000D474ACB0D902DB11 [LUN 126] state=alive; policy=CLAROpt; priority=0; queued-IOs=0 Owner: default=SP B, current=SP B ============================================================================== —————- Host ————— – Stor – — I/O Path – — Stats — ### HW Path I/O Paths Interf. Mode State Q-IOs Errors ============================================================================== 0 fscsi0 hdisk37 SP B0 active alive 0 0 0 fscsi0 hdisk47 SP A1 active alive 0 0 1 fscsi1 hdisk57 SP A0 active alive 0 0 1 fscsi1 hdisk67 SP B1 active alive 0 0
In this example hdiskpower7 would be the same LUN as the original hdiskpower5
ESS using SDD (use pcmpath
for SDDPCM. The syntax is the same)
# datapath query device | grep -p vpath5 DEV#: 12 DEVICE NAME: vpath5 TYPE: 2105F20 POLICY: Optimized SERIAL: 00721694 ========================================================================== Path# Adapter/Hard Disk State Mode Select Errors 0 fscsi0/hdisk9 OPEN NORMAL 42687888 0 1 fscsi1/hdisk31 OPEN NORMAL 42556477 0
Once the serial number of the LUN is known, the following command will show the disk label on any other system which is allowed to access the disk.
# datapath query device | grep -p 00721694 DEV#: 3 DEVICE NAME: vpath3 TYPE: 2105F20 POLICY: Optimized SERIAL: 00721694 ========================================================================== Path# Adapter/Hard Disk State Mode Select Errors 0 fscsi0/hdisk9 OPEN NORMAL 42687907 0 1 fscsi1/hdisk31 OPEN NORMAL 42556499 0
In this example vpath3 would be the same LUN as the original vpath5
# lscfg -vl hdisk5 hdisk5 U7879.001.DQD050H-P1-C3-T1-W50C9283-L1800000 IBM MPIO FC 2105 Manufacturer…………….IBM Machine Type and Model……2105F20 Serial Number……………10532763 EC Level…………………134 Device Specific.(Z0)……..10 Device Specific.(Z1)……..00A0 Device Specific.(Z2)……..0013 Device Specific.(Z3)……..09202 Device Specific.(Z4)……..05 Device Specific.(Z5)……..00
Once the serial number of the disk is known, the following command will show the disk label on any other system which is allowed to access the disk.
# lscfg -v|grep -pZ5 10532763 hdisk10 U7879.001.DQD050H-P1-C3-T1-W50C9283-L1800000 IBM MPIO FC 2105 Manufacturer…………….IBM Machine Type and Model……2105F20 Serial Number……………10532763 EC Level…………………134 Device Specific.(Z0)……..10 Device Specific.(Z1)……..00A0 Device Specific.(Z2)……..0013 Device Specific.(Z3)……..09202 Device Specific.(Z4)……..05
In this example hdisk10 would be the same LUN as the original hdisk5